
Rundu resident shot dead over mobile phone

Home National Rundu resident shot dead over mobile phone

RUNDU – A 27-year-old man was shot by some robbers while walking home from work on Friday evening and he later succumbed to his gunshot injuries in the Rundu Intermediate Hospital where he was rushed to receive treatment.

The sad incident happened at around 19h50 at Ndama location at a dark spot near Ndama service station. Rundu’s dark streets have over the years been a subject of complaints by residents who fall victim to crime when it gets dark, but their complaints seem to have fallen on deaf ears as the broken down street lights remain unrepaired.

Police have also complained of the dark streets which make patrolling and policing a challenge. 
In the attack the suspects used a firearm and shot the deceased in the right part of his back.

The murder came after the suspects grabbed the cell phone of the deceased’s female colleague and ran away. The deceased in an attempt to recover his colleague’s phone engaged in a struggle with the suspects and he was shot, said the Namibian Police Force crime investigations coordinator for the Kavango East Region, Deputy Commissioner Bonifatius Kanyetu, who confirmed the fatal incident.

The deceased was identified as Elago Joseph who was employed by Mr Price in Rundu. 
“We are appealing to the community of Rundu, specifically of Ndama location to assist us in this case by giving us some possible information or any assistance that may lead to the arrest of the suspects,” Kanyetu said.

The stolen phone is a Samsung Galaxy J1.