
Ryan’s corner – Covid-19: Now is the time to stand as one people

Home Sports Ryan’s corner – Covid-19: Now is the time to stand as one people

Hi everyone, welcome to another instalment to my weekly column, Ryan’s Corner. It’s a tough time the world over right now, as all countries are battling with the widespread of the deadly coronavirus. I hope everyone back home in Namibia has been keeping safe and following all set preventative and responsive measures as announced by government.

Today, I’m touching a bit on the coronavirus pandemic and how it has brought almost everything to a complete standstill globally, including here in the United Kingdom (UK). It is a scary time for all and the effects of this deadly virus feels like an episode happening in a movie – it’s just totally bizarre.

This is a time when the whole world has to come together as one and fight against this pandemic. To all my people in Namibia, I plead with you to strictly follow the rules and instructions of the health experts, stay away from large gatherings and stay off the streets, as that will help prevent further spreading the virus.

Also, if there is any panic buying going on that side, please think about the next person when buying your items, as others are also in need. We can only get past this moment if we all stick together as one people.
It is a moment that reminds us all that nothing else matters more than our health and wellbeing. We have all seen how this deadly virus continues to affect all sectors, including sport. It is a serious situation and I, therefore, urge all to take this virus very seriously.  If you are not worried about yourself and how the virus could affect you, at least think about the next person and all others. Keep safe and wash your hands at all times. Until next week, see you on the other side of the corner!