
Sachinga gets community hostel to accommodate needy learners

Home National Sachinga gets community hostel to accommodate needy learners
Sachinga gets community hostel to accommodate needy learners

SACHINGA – With the help of the Zambezi regional council through the Food for Work programme, the Sachinga combined school will soon have a community hostel to accommodate some of their learners who walk long distances to get an education. 

Many of these needy learners cover 10 km to and from school every day, a situation with dire consequences of high absenteeism. 

In general, the lack of infrastructure, particularly hostels and ablution facilities, remains a serious challenge in the Zambezi region. 

Sachinga combined school principal Diana Chombo confirmed that with the assistance of the regional council, they are not far from completing the school. 

“They even called us that there is still about N$30 000 that can be used. So, we were advised to provide the list of materials left, such as windows, so that the project can finish,” Chombo said.

Sibbinda councillor Mickey Lukaezi welcomed the community project, saying it was made possible through the Food for Work programme and the regional council, which availed N$48 000 to build the first phase under the 2022/23 financial year.

“Another N$48 000 has been allocated to complete the final phase of the community hostel. There is still a need for beds, matrasses and kitchen items for these learners,” he said.

According to Chombo, once completed, the hostel will accommodate about 100 learners – 50 boys and 50 girls.

The principal added the school has identified two groups of learners who will benefit from the community hostel.

“There are those coming from Beto – our primary school, which is some 10 km away. The other group is those kids whose parents live very far in the villages but attend school here, at Sachinga,” she indicated.

In terms of power, she said the school is yet to apply to Nored for electricity so learners do not have to resort to lighting sources such as candles, which can be dangerous if left unattended.

– anakale@nepc.com.na