
SADC extends Mozambique mission

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SADC extends Mozambique mission

The Southern African Development Community’s Extraordinary Organ Troika Summit Plus, which met virtually yesterday, has extended the SADC mission in Mozambique for an additional six months. 

The summit also pledged to redouble efforts to secure the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

In his statement, President Hage Geingob, chairperson of the SADC organ on politics, defence and security cooperation, said the security situation in both Mozambique and the DRC remains a grave concern for the region.

President Geingob also expressed their collective resolve as the SADC bloc to safeguard the security, safety and stability of the region at all costs.

“Our collective resolve as a bloc is that security, safety and the stability of our region must be safeguarded at all costs. The terrorist activities that have continued to plague the Eastern DRC have resulted in the death of well over five million people and millions displaced. The impact of the conflict in Eastern DRC has been felt across our region, as many of our countries are hosting refugees from DRC, rendering them the necessary support to start new lives.

“We owe our debt to the men and women in uniform, under the command of the SADC Force Intervention Brigade, in particular from the republics of Malawi, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania for their tireless efforts towards the restoration of peace and stability in that region,” Geingob said.

The summit also agreed to a coordinated approach to all the peace processes initiated over the last years in the DRC. 

This includes a framework that is aimed at promoting coherence of the existing peace initiatives, with a clear division of labour and agreed timelines.

“Emphasis will, therefore, also be placed on the political and diplomatic front, so that the enemies that have been plaguing DRC can come to the table and ensure a lasting solution,” Geingob said.

The summit also expressed its gratitude to all relevant stakeholders and partners who have supported Mozambique in restoring peace and stability in its Northern Province.

In May 2023, SADC decided to intensify support for the DRC by deploying a brigade plus under a SADC regional command. 

The SADC mission in DRC is scheduled to be deployed by 30 September 2023 in preparation for the national elections in the DRC on 20 December 2023. 

President Geingob emphasised the need for a coordinated approach to peace processes, acknowledging that a military approach alone would not resolve the situation in the Eastern DRC.

The SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) was established in July 2021 in response to the deteriorating security situation in the country’s northern province of Cabo Delgado. The mission is composed of military, police and civilian personnel from SADC member states.

SAMIM’s mandate is to “defeat the terrorist threat in Cabo Delgado and restore peace and stability to the province”. 

The mission has made significant progress in achieving its mandate, and the security situation in Cabo Delgado has improved significantly since SAMIM’s deployment.

The extension of SAMIM for an additional six months is a clear indication of SADC’s commitment to helping Mozambique to secure its northern province and restore peace and stability to the