
Samupwa appointed Swapo PS

Home Front Page News Samupwa appointed Swapo PS

Selma Ikela

Windhoek-Zambezi regional education director Austin Samupwa has been appointed as Swapo Party permanent secretary (PS), a new position the ruling party created to strengthen its operations.
New Era believes the person holding the position will be entitled to a salary and fringe benefits of a PS in government.

Samupwa, 46, in a telephonic interview yesterday confirmed that he received his appointment letter on Tuesday.
He has also served as Zambezi regional treasurer for Swapo.
Samupwa’s term runs concurrent with the current leadership’s.

“Yes indeed, I got my appointment letter,” he said, adding he is looking forward to a new phase in his life.
“I am excited because I will serve my party at a senior level. I am looking forward to that,” said Samupwa.

Asked when he will commence his duties as PS, Samupwa said he is busy handing over his duties at his current office and the moment he does that he will start.

During the 6th Swapo Party elective congress President Hage Geingob announced that it was proposed, through consultations at the central committee and politburo, to strengthen the party’s administration by appointing a full-time administrator, pegged at the level of a permanent secretary in competency and compensation.
It was also proposed that the party’s secretary general, Sophia Shaningwa, shall be granted two executive assistants to assist and improve with office management.

At the time Geingob said this is being done to ensure Swapo is effectively geared to fight poverty and corruption, and to pursue economic prosperity. “We need to deploy new measures to strengthen our operational effectiveness and efficiency,” Geingob said at the time the position was initially announced.