
Santos pounces on Ghosts’ sinking ship

Home Sports Santos pounces on Ghosts’ sinking ship


Word flitting out of the usually laid back Nomtsoub township, holed up in the copper town of Tsumeb, is that MTC Premiership returnees Chief Santos are burning the midnight oil to beef up their playing personnel.
In a bid to strengthen their skeleton squad the copper town lads are reported to have raided the leaking ship of fellow premiership campaigners Orlando Pirates.

Veteran Buccaneers playmaker Riaan ‘Dockeys’ Cloete tops the list of the targeted Ghosts’ apparent want away players with the names of reliable shot-stopper Charles Uirab, strikers Ronaldo Tsowaseb and Stanley Kamesiepo, centre back Ivan Makina, Merwin Gariseb and old timer Meraai Swartbooi also on the radar of the former MTC Premiership giants.

Approached to shed light on the latest gossip, a club official from Santos FC could not confirm nor deny the imminent arrival of the said players.

In demonstrating their desire to rediscover the kind of form that made them one of the most exciting football entities in modern football, Santos announced their return to topflight football with commendable performances in warm-up matches against formidable opponents at the Otavi sports field last weekend.

Bafana Subeb’s charges saw off fellow MTC Premiership returnees Life Fighters by a solitary goal but lost with an identical score line against hosts Touch and Go before completing their three-match series with a 1-all stalemate against Life Fighters.
Hosts Touch and Go were the only unbeaten side in the three-match series registering two draws against Life Fighters ‘Okahirona’ (1-1) (0-0) while getting the better of old foes Santos (1-0).

Baby Warriors off to a winning a start

Namibia’s under-17 football team, the Baby Warriors, got their campaign off to a good start by walloping hosts Mauritius in their opening match of the COSAFA Under-17 Youth Championships, underway in the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius.
The Namibians comfortably waltzed past the out of sorts hosts, dispatching their opponents 3-1 to record a comfortable victory, raising their hopes to reach the knockout stages of the regional youth tourney.