
School Celebrates 21st Birthday

Home Archived School Celebrates 21st Birthday

By Jani van Greunen


Twenty-one years ago, in 1986, a brand new brick building stood erected at the corner of Kornalyn and Auswartz Streets in Khomasdal. It was a school built for 250 learners, of which most learners would come from the immediate vicinity, and many from the SOS Village across the street.

The residential area the school was to serve was still unpopulated and under-developed. This school was to be named, as many other schools in the world, after the founder of the ‘Village for abandoned children’ idea. Today, children and teachers from all Namibian cultures meet daily to interact and influence one another’s lives.

A school is as good and effective as its last school day – and that is a reflection of its culture. A school’s culture refers to its customs, traditions and general way of doing things, core values and shared understanding. It is this culture that forms the heartbeat and indicates the presence of an organization. Twenty-one years are ample for a strong and typical culture to have developed at Hermann Gmeiner Primary School.

Sport and culture have special places at the school ranging from tennis, soccer, rugby, volleyball, netball, Scripture Union, Choir and the Window of Hope organization.

As the school is celebrating its 21st year in operation with fund-raisings, balls, re-unions and a concert, it does so with thanksgiving and memories in their heart.

Although Hermann Gmeiner PS academic’s performance of many years leads the schools north of the Western Bypass, the coming of age of a school certainly places additional responsibilities on it and sets new expectations.

Hermann Gmeiner PS is lacking a school library and computer resource centre. Books, the extension of library facilities and computers are the focus for fund-raising this year. Therefore, a very special invitation to attend the celebration programme is given to parents, old scholars, teachers, donors and community members, and an appeal goes out to all old scholars and previous staff members to contact the school for this purpose.
Hermann Gmeiner PS 21st Anniversary Programme:

1 June – Debutants’ Ball – Venue: SKW in Olympia.
N$50 for dance, N$45 for snack-platter for one person.
22 June – Old scholars’ & Teachers’ Day – Venue: School Hall. Refreshments at cost.
22 June – Gala Evening. – Venue & Price to be announced.
25-27 July – School Concert – Venue: College of Education (not finalized) N$30 per adult, N$10 per child.
5 October – Spring Ball – Venue: Khomasdal Community Hall.
N$50 per person. Cash bar. No meals.
All tickets are available at the secretary’s office.