
Section of Luhonono road to be completed by December

Home National Section of Luhonono road to be completed by December

KATIMA MULILO – Section A of the multimillion Namalubi-Isize-Luhonono road is expected to be completed by December after the contractor made massive progress after floodwaters subsided.

Zambezi Regional Governor Lawrence Sampofu revealed in June that due to the complexity of the multimillion road, the project has been divided into two sections. Section A, which is about 24 km long, covers the road from Namalubi to Isize including the access road to Kalimbeza rice project. 

During the road inspection last week New Era observed that the access road which is about 2.5 km has already been completed while massive progress has been made on the main road.

The Deputy Minister of Works and Transport James Sankwasa was satisfied with the progress made so far. He noted that although people feel the road has been delayed, it is justifiable due to the complex nature of the project, as various adjustments were done after previous floods overtopped the road on various sections.

“We want to do proper quality work. When the road is finished we don’t want to come back after a year and redo it again. So the delay is an advantage for government and the people – it is not negative. It is intended to do a proper job. Than to rush and do a poor job,” said Sankwasa.

Section B which cover the road from Isize to Luhonono will be worked on early next year following the completion of Section A. The drainage designs of that section have been revised to include more culverts and three big bridges across deeper and bigger channels.