
Security guards nabbed over food theft

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Security guards nabbed over food theft

Festus Hamalwa

ONGWEDIVA – A security guard was recently arrested for stealing food items from a school kitchen, which he then sent with a bus to his girlfriend’s house. 

Another security guard at the same school was also arrested in connection with a similar case, where he allegedly stole food items from the school kitchen and hid them under his bed at home. 

The incident happened over the weekend at around 23h00 at Ekulo Secondary School in Omuthiya in Oshikoto region.

According to the Oshikoto regional police chief, Teopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku, one of the suspects unlocked the kitchen door and stole items, such as meat, sugar and rice. 

She stated that some food items were discovered at the suspect’s girlfriend’s residence in Outapi, while others were discovered at the suspect’s house in Omuthiya. Both suspects are scheduled to appear in the magistrate’s court today.

Speaking to New Era, the school principal, David Mushaandja, said the suspects were not initially suspected, as they worked at the school for a long period.  The principal said one suspect has been working at the school for six years, while the other has been working there for about two years.

Mushaandja stressed that school staff usually leave the kitchen keys with the security guards to give to those coming in for the early shift.

“It was around 04h00 when the staff came to start the early shift and discovered some food items stolen from the kitchen,” he said.

Mushaandja added the suspects were questioned and admitted they had stolen the food items.

“On the way to one of the suspect’s houses, there were dogs discovered eating meat, which was suspected to have been stolen from the same school,” said Mushaandja. 

He said he was surprised by the security guards stealing food, as school staff normally offer them food to eat whenever they are hungry. 

“Sometimes, we leave our car keys with the security guards. We trusted them with everything,” said the principal.  fhamalwa@nepc.com.na