
All set for FNB Desert Dash

Home Sports All set for FNB Desert Dash


FNB Namibia has reiterated its support and commitment towards the development of cycling.

The giant financial institution has been part of the FNB Desert Dash over the last seven years as title sponsor and applauded Aiden de Lange for the support and commitment during those years.

In a written statement, FNB however aired its disappointment that De Lange is no longer involved in the event. “He was a dedicated and passionate person to work with, but we understand and respect his reasons for withdrawing and support his decision.”

The annual FNB Desert Dash attracts passionate and possibly slightly crazy cyclists, who have prepared for many months focussing on courage, perseverance and toughness.

“Characteristics which, in our view are not those your average individual possesses. It takes extreme discipline, exercise, preparation and mental strength to tackle this adventure.

“FNB Namibia is an institution where courage, focus and perseverance reign supreme – not only among staff members but also all other stakeholders, that ensure that the company remains focused to help customers and continue to persevere in finding perfect banking solutions for all Namibians.”