Sheya: Only Swapo is tried, tested 

Home Elections Sheya: Only Swapo is tried, tested 
Sheya: Only Swapo is tried, tested 

OKAHANDJA – The ruling Swapo Party remains the country’s only political entity with a proven track record on upholding the values of democracy, human rights, peace, stability, development and continued progress.

“So, why fix it if it is not broken?”, Kunene governor Marius Sheya wanted to know. 

This was amongst the questions he posed to scores of supporters who attended the party’s mass mobilisation meeting at Okahandja’s Oshetu 3 location on Saturday.

“We keep hearing these other political parties and their leaders going around promising Namibians all sorts of things; that they will create millions of jobs and transform the economy overnight. But we all know that it is big a lie, because that is not how reality works. Development is a lifelong process, and what we have achieved over the last 34 years is commendable when compared to other countries which are older than Namibia. 

Look at our roads, governance architecture, education and health systems: we must be proud of ourselves. But of course, we admit that more still needs to be done,” Sheya said. 

He continued: “Despite the many challenges we face as a country, the Swapo-led government has managed to maintain peace and stability, has given Namibians access to education and better healthcare, and continues to strive towards all its development objectives. Our track record as a governing party is there for all to see, and where we have shortcomings, we are always the first ones to admit it. But today when you look around, you keep hearing political parties with no proven track record in anything screaming and insulting Swapo. What do they have to show to Namibians? As for Swapo, locally and internationally, everyone can see how far we have brought this country, and the potential it has for more growth.” 

The well-attended mass mobilisation meeting was graced by prominent public and party figures such as Otjozondjupa governor James Uerikua, Swapo’s Okahandja constituency councillor Bethuel Tjaveondja, award-winning musician Gazza, and executive members of the party’s various affiliates and structures. 

 Said Sheya: “Are you really telling me that Namibians should take a chance of voting into power a new political party with no record or history, and gamble with all the gains of the past 34 years? We say no to that because this country is too precious, and has a deep history not to be played around with by newcomers with no history. Yes, we have a shortage of jobs for our people, more schools and clinics still need to be build, and we need to continue diversifying our economy. Swapo has never been blind to those realities; that’s why we are saying allow Swapo to finish what it has started. Why take a chance with amateur parties which have no governance track record, politically or otherwise?”.