
Shifeta: Corruption will kill Namibia

Home National Shifeta: Corruption will kill Namibia
Shifeta: Corruption will kill Namibia

OKONGO – Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism Pohamba Shifeta said leaders nowadays do not care about the people, as they often only work for the benefit of their families. He took issue with traditional leaders who sell communal land and those who acquire the land from the traditional leaders at the expense of communities.

He said many people are suffering in the country while leaders just work for their pockets.

“Nowadays, leaders are receiving bribes to sell land but people in the community never benefitted,” Shifeta said.

Shifeta was speaking during the handover of equipment by the Environment Investment Fund of Namibia that was given to the community forest at Omauni village in the Okongo constituency, Ohangwena region, on Tuesday.

“Corruption is really going to kill this country,” he said.

Shifeta expressed his disappointment over the traditional authorities who sell land at high prices, which is illegal.

“I have been receiving many complaints from the residents who bought land at a high price. This is unacceptable and out of order,” he lamented.

He stressed the price of communal land is N$600.

“Whoever is buying stolen land is also a thief. People should be careful when they buy land illegally because they will end up losing their money.”

He added many people want to become traditional leaders so they sell land and become rich.

– fhamalwa@nepc.com.na