Shifeta irked by high-level corruption 

Home Front Page News Shifeta irked by high-level corruption 

OMUTHIYA – Environment minister Pohamba Shifeta has expressed concern about the ever-increasing corruption cases reported in the country, saying this has been crippling the economy. 

Without mincing words, Shifeta condemned any sort of corruption activity involving locals who allegedly also collude with foreigners to loot the government through dubious means. 

“We have so many unpatriotic Namibians who have no regard for the wellbeing of the country. These are the people that have been draining the government, are contributing to the stuttering economy and have stolen money through tenders,” Shifeta said. “Those responsible are not being charged even if there is evidence, because someone along the process will either steal the docket or distort the information, hence making the case irrelevant.” 

He made these remarks on Saturday when addressing Swapo members of Kaniita district in Omuthiya, where he also advised them to guard against any form of corruption because it has an effect on everyone.

On the other hand, he urged the community to help their children when choosing careers. Shifeta further touched on the political atmosphere in the country that has reached boiling point as the country prepares to elect a new president and members of the National Assembly on 27 November. 

 “This is a very difficult time for us as a party and requires us to focus and unite as external forces are … in to destroy the empire, which was selflessly built through the blood and sweat of our forefathers. We cannot let their efforts be destroyed in such a manner, by a group of people that are trying to advance their selfish agendas,” cautioned Shifeta.

He further vowed that Swapo will remain unbreakable as proven during the liberation struggle. He, however, said this could only be possible if the members remain firm and come together to support the party.

“What is happening here is not new to Swapo, some tried to destroy the party during the liberation struggle by organising coups, but they failed. Some elements are now trying to do the same, but as a party we should refuse and defeat them,” he urged.

“If you are impatient and want to run and fight for positions, things will backfire on you because you did not use the right path.”

Shifeta boasted that Swapo would emerge victorious with or without the use of a ballot paper system or the electronic voting machines (EVMs).