
Shikongo: Even robbers mourned

Home National Shikongo: Even robbers mourned
Shikongo: Even robbers mourned

ONGWEDIVA – Namibian Police chief Joseph Shikongo said no cases of robbery were reported while the nation was mourning president Hage Geingob last month.

“I am happy for Namibians. There was no embarrassment during the mourning period of our president because people behaved well,” he observed.

He went on to say that Windhoek was a safe place during the mourning period, jokingly stating that even thieves were mourning.

Geingob died on 4 February and was buried on Sunday, 25 February at Heroes’ Acre in Windhoek.

Shikongo applauded leaders of the various political parties who placed their election campaigns on hold to show respect during the mourning period.

“I hope this should remain like this. 21 days without a robbery being reported in the country, and it was even for the first time,” he added. 

The police boss noted that there were planned demonstrations during the mourning period, but the police ensured that regulations were implemented to keep peace and order. 

“During the regional memorial services held across the country, no harm was reported. Our guests who travelled from various countries were safe without any attack,” he added. Shikongo said he was also pleased with road users, especially in Windhoek, as they adhered to traffic laws.

“We have an upcoming election in November this year. I am, therefore, urging various political party leaders to ensure no harm is committed towards other parties. It should be done with peace and unity because the late president was a peaceful man,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, President Nangolo Mbumba has expressed gratitude towards Namibians for a graceful period of mourning following the death of Geingob.

“Our conduct as Namibians was exemplary and we were able to hold hands in mourning and in honour of his legacy in the most befitting manner,” he stated.

Mbumba also extended his gratitude to the various heads of state and leaders for their messages of condolences, solidarity and assistance, including their presence at the State memorial and burial.

He then urged Namibians to continue strengthening the foundations of the “Namibian House, where unity binds us and is our strength as we build a better and caring nation”.
