Short Story – The Creature

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Short Story – The Creature

She was called The Creature – a term used by humans for those who were not of the blue living ball called Earth. 

Evenika looked at the place that had stolen her soul. These earthlings, they dimmed all that she had been and could have been. But their hunger for pain had broken root, and they had amassed from the shadows, ravenous for her blood they had inflicted upon her.

Their thirst had drowned her dignity, and their lust had watered her being. She had been helpless; helpless to their bloodines, as they had ravaged all of her. 

But now they would feel what she had felt, for the torture she had taken into her soul had blossomed into wrath. 

The putrid scent waved over the Green as they cried out in agony. These insipid creatures thinking with tongues and hands caused nothing but chaos in their world, condemning the given gift of Mother Nature with their filthy souls. 

It was her wrath that cleaved and heaved their Earth, the seven sins of hell plaguing and burning around them. Now the bowl of the eyes rippled and boiled, eliciting laughter from within her – laughter that brought relief to her soul. 

The scum of these souls! Her soul raged. 

They thought better of themselves simply because she had been born a creature at a place and in a time of destiny that not even fate could have erased the line of her birth. 

Her hatred fumed, as the cries merged with her laughter. The words of the Order; a vessel of hatred and pain against the human dangers had borne fruit. 

Their words had grown root coming true in Evenika’s soulless eyes. She watched their world crumble, and felt powered against them. She was the word and sight of the Order. She had bloodied herself in the Oath, and they had marked the words upon her skin. The words echoed in the air, swirling around her as they whispered in her heart. Blood be my bone.

They would burn, and burn they would, for she was one of the Order.  She watched as their world crumbled, and felt powered against them. Yes, they would burn as a rumble of emotions graced her heart. Her laughter, be raw and boned soared over the Green as their agony reached her ears.