
Short Story – The Green Book

Home Youth Corner Short Story – The Green Book
Short Story – The Green Book

Once upon a time, in a little used bookshop, there sat a green book that was the brightest book ever. The green book sparkled and glimmered on the shelf, but no one ever bothered to take it home with them. The green book felt invisible, even though it tried to shine brighter than the others. It seemed that everyone who came into the shop only wanted to buy books in their favourite colour, and green wasn’t anyone’s favourite colour.

Over time, the green book felt very sad. It tried to hide its shame by opening up, but still, no one ever gave it a chance. The green book felt so alone and unloved that the shining withered. It sat on the shelf, feeling dull, lifeless, and loss of all hope.

Then, one day, a little girl with an emo style came into the bookshop. She wandered around the shelves, looking for a black book to read. As she scanned the rows of books, she saw an open book sitting on the shelf, text in all black. She walked over to the shelf and picked up the book.

She picked it up and read it. It told the most beautiful story she had ever read. The pages were filled with amazing stories and as she read some glimmer of colour would return to the book. She knew right then and there that this was the book for her, and she bought it.

The little girl started to read the green book and fell in love with the stories inside. She carried it with her everywhere, even tying a green ribbon around it to make it special. As she read the green book, she felt a connection to it that she had never felt before. She saw the beauty in the green colour that nobody else did, and she loved it.

The green book started to shine brightly again. It was so happy to be loved and appreciated by the little girl. The green book realised that it didn’t matter if nobody else liked its colour on the outside because the little girl had shown it that it’s what’s on the inside that made it shine. The green book was no longer sad and alone; it was happy.

And so, the green book continued to shine on the shelf, no longer feeling invisible or unloved after it was returned. It knew that even if nobody else saw its beauty on the outside, someone would always find its beauty on the inside.