
Simataa unveils ICT infrastructure at Otuani

Home National Simataa unveils ICT infrastructure at Otuani

n Selma Gumbo

OPUWO – Minister of Information and Communication Technology Stanley Simataa recently launched the long-awaited Telecom Namibia’s telecommunication services in Otuani Village of Opuwo Rural Constituency in the Kunene Region.

The public’s outcry over the lack of telecommunication services by residents of Otuani did not fall on deaf ears as Telecom Namibia came to their rescue by providing them with a fixed broadband and 3G service.

“As minister of ICT, I am therefore proud to take note of this key milestone happening here in Otuani, which is a testament to Telecom Namibia’s commitment to expand its fixed line, Internet and mobile services to communities across the length and breadth of our beautiful land,” said Simataa.

He could not hide his joy and narrated how he came to know the plight of the Otuani community’s need for ICT through a story published by New Era newspaper last year. He congratulated Telecom Namibia family for deploying ICT services in Otuani and the surroundings.

He emphasised how Telecom have been a partner on various initiatives by government to develop and expand the ICT infrastructure.

“I know lack of ICT infrastructure is not only in Otuani even at the area where I come from in Zambezi is the same situation, where one has to search for network signal, but today I am excited that my wish for Otuani community to get ICT infrastructure has been realised at last,” Simataa said.

On his part, the Chief Executive Officer of Telecom Namibia Theo Klein told the community of Otuani how delighted they are to launch the long-awaited telecommunications services in Otuani.
He was more excited about 3G mobile services because he saw that this will begin to transform people’s life in the area in many ways.

“The launch of telecommunication services in Otuani signifies our commitment and resolve to promote access to and use of ICT by all citizens regardless of their geographic location in order to promote economic prosperity, cultural development and quality of life even in rural areas,” Klein emphasised.

Councillor for Opuwo Rural Constituency Kazeongere Tjeundo applauded Telecom ICT ministry for services they brought to his people, he warned the community to look after and report if they see someone vandalising the ICT infrastructure and teach the children to use the products for the purpose, which it is intended for.

*Selma Gumbo works for Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in Opuwo, Kunene Region