Smash and grab theft From vehicles soars

Home Front Page News Smash and grab theft From vehicles soars

MOTORING public in the capital are living in fear, as their vehicles are ambushed and broken into, with thugs targeting unsuspecting victims day and night, leave a trail of shattered glass and destruction in their wake.

Any parked vehicle these days with the smallest item lying visible inside is like honey to a bee. And police reports of car windows being smashed in to remove the contents even in broad daylight is increasing at an alarming rate.

Gangs operating around the city and suburbs have time on their hands as they watch and wait. Using a simple method like hitting a spark plug against the glass with one quick swift movement, causing the ‘shatterproof’ curtain of glass explodes into a million little pieces with little sound is an effective modus operandi.

The latest person to fall victim to very this week, is ……who was delivering an animal to the SPCA on Monday night around 21hoo. She parked her vehicle outside the gate and ran in. on returning to her car she climbed in and was about to start the engine when two men fell on top of her car preventing her from driving off.

They tried to force the doors open, which were locked, and within seconds they smashed the passenger window in and grabbed her bag lying on the seat, and made off into the dark.


“I tried to give chase by they ran too fast, and disappeared into the bush,” D told Woema. “I felt violated and was petrified because it was dark and I felt my life was in danger,” she said adding that she was robbed of her bag which contained her purse, all its cards, money and her cellphone.

Meanwhile a week before this a well-known medical doctor who for professional reasons preferred to rain anomomous was also ambushed outside his driveway after returning from a week-end away with his family.

He pulled his vehicle in front of his house with his wife and kids sitting in the idling car and got out to open the gate. From out of nowhere a taxi stopped and three men swooped in, opened his wife’s door and grabbed her bag and other items that were lying in the car.

The doctor told Woema that he gave chase in his Landrover Discovery which eventually intimidated the occupants of the taxi, who threw the bag out of the moving car.

This, and many other stories surface every day, of cameras, laptops, shopping bags you name it being lifted from cars, and losses being suffered by people are enormous.

PG Glass….confirmed that break-in’s are on the increase, and especially this time of the year when thieves are on the move.

Insurance companies have also noticed a rise in claims,