
SMEs urged to look at regional markets

Home National SMEs urged to look at regional markets

ONGWEDIVA – President Hage Geingob has lauded the Ongwediva Town Council for providing opportunities particularly to the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to make their mark locally, regionally and internationally.

Geingob in his opening speech of the 20th exhibition of the Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair on Saturday said trade fairs and expos should lead in promoting diverse products and attracting exhibitions in key sectors of the economy.

“I am confident that many of the exhibitors present at this year’s trade fair are not only here to market their products, but also keen to build business ties and gain insights into trends, technologies and innovations on the market that will enable them to develop the requisite capabilities to drive the economic advancement of our country,” said Geingob.

This year’s trade fair theme is ‘fostering economic growth through innovation’ which according to Geingob is appropriate, given the fact that economic growth and innovation is the focus at continental, regional and local level. He said government on its part has fulfilled its mandate to create an enabling environment, which allows the private sector to function efficiently and effectively as possible.

Hence, the private sectors should thus drive the creative and innovative capacity needed to support and drive sustainable, inclusive, job-led growth and development.

The Head of State further pledged to increase the Ongwediva Trade Fair appeal as one of the most significant trade and business platforms in Namibia and the region at large.
“It is my hope that in the near future, the Ongwediva Trade Fair will become a regional and international business showpiece,” said Geingob. 

Geingob further urged exhibition organisers to increase the prevalence of various technologies at national trade fairs in order to be on par with the 4th Industrial Revolution.
This year’s expo has attracted 451 local, regional and international exhibitors.
The expo ends on Saturday.