Consuming motivational content
Many times, you will attend a conference that will leave you feeling inspired. The feeling that comes as a result of having sat through a motivational conference has you feeling the need to get proactive. You are amped to get started and, in most cases, you do. Shortly, thereafter, the motivation dwindles as life takes its course. You get busy with day-to-day activities and before you know it, the conference is long forgotten. The idea you started on sits idle and weighs on you daily as you cannot seem to muster up enough enthusiasm to continue. This happens until the next burst of motivation comes in the form of a video, a talk with friends or yet another conference. It quickly starts to feel like a cycle and not long after, you start to believe conferences do not work – nor does motivation.
Here are 5 quick tips on how to stay motivated:
Understand your zen and consume it regularly
It is important to recognise when you feel most motivated by being conscious of what gives you the most motivation and creativity; you can determine what to consume. Find what motivates you and consume it often.
Cath Duncan wrote an article on how to get motivation back and said “often, once you’re clear on what you really want, you spot new strategies for getting it that you hadn’t noticed before.”
Create a plan and execute it
Setting out to achieve a goal without a plan leaves room for failure. It allows you to fall short with no indicators. This is not to say the plan will not change over time; however, it is essential to set out with the end in mind and how you plan to get there. To fail to plan is to plan to fail.
Lolly Daskal, CEO of Lead from Within says “Sometimes it is not so much the what or the how that matters, but your why – the purpose behind what you’re doing. Being clear about what you’re working for can give you the stimulus to stay on course.”
Find an accountability partner
We all need someone who will keep us accountable to what we set out to do. This can be in the form of a friend, a mentor or simply someone you hold in high regard.
An article on reads “Don’t do it alone. Join a class or find a teacher or someone you can share the experience with. Other people’s encouragement to keep going can be a big boost to your motivation, particularly when you’re doing it tough.”
Infiltrate your environment with reminders
Create a community of likeminded people, read material that speaks to your goal and go to the places that encapsulate your goal. If you want to become health conscious, read material that feed your mind, engage persons who are health conscious on social media, attend events, etc. Same is applicable in business, leadership, blogging, etc.
Nick Eubanks, CEO of The Future, emphasises that having a community around you that understands what you are going through helps overcome the moments of being demotivated. “I found that a professional support group that gave me assurance that the way I was feeling was not only natural but normal – and it helped me get over it,” he says.
Live the life you want to see
Input vs. output. The plan is to be executed with precision and excellence. You are to give your end-all to your plan. You are to put in the hours, the work, the effort and the energy. In as much as staying motivated and on track to attain your plan, it is equally important to ensure you put in the time, effort and input.
To speak about what you want is important; to plan around what you want serves as an accelerator, but to put your words and plan into action is where the results lie. You are to stay motivated in what you consume, the company you keep and what you do on a day-to-day basis.
As the Chinese proverb goes – ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.
* By Mavis Braga Elias – Civil Engineer, speaker, philanthropist @mavisbraga