Social reflections – What are you busy with?

Home Lifestyle Social reflections – What are you busy with?

When I started my career at the age of 19 I dabbled in everything, I did radio, marketing events, cleaning services, engineering, writing, blogging, master of ceremony services, speaker, philanthropist and influencer. I did everything and I ensured I did it well and ensured I kept BUSY. As a result, I spread myself thin. I revered in the statement that I so proudly reiterated often .
I loved the idea that I could be so many things, all at the same time until I didn’t. I started to feel fatigued more often than not, I started to lose my resilience because I was so tired. Admittedly, I only stopped to think about what I spend my time on and when I was working two full-time jobs, going into work at 8 am and leaving my second job at 9 pm, working two jobs during weekends and writing for publications every evening. I was so obviously spreading myself extremely thin. I had to stop and ask myself, what was I chasing?

Why did I feel I needed to do EVERTYHING? Why?

Do you ever stop to ask yourself why you do what you do?

Was it validation I was seeking in seeming inhumane in my work ethic?
Was it chasing after fame and fortune to have what everyone wants?
Was my identity rooted in my career?
Was I insecure in my abilities and had to overexert myself consistently?


So, I ask you today, two simple questions…
1. Where does your time go?
2. Why do you do what you do?

They seem like two very simple questions, but the majority of us have no idea why we are in our chosen career fields, where our time goes or even simply, why we are so unfulfilled.

I will tell you this, I refuse to live a life dictated and governed by forces I am too afraid to face. I am far too invested in my growth to allow myself to squander time on things that do not serve me in the name of being busy. In the same breath, I am too invested in my growth to fill the areas of my life with busyness because I am afraid to face myself to pause, reflect and ask myself the question my body has been dying to have me say out loud, WHY do you do what you do?

So here are two simple tasks you can do TODAY to help you uncover your truth about where your time goes.

1. Write down what you do and quantify how much time you spend on it

Have you ever stopped to think about how much time you spend on social media? How about, how much time you spend watching TV? Okay, how about, how much time you spend in solitude and lose your mind? No, how about looking at the stats on your phone to be able to decipher where your time goes when you are on your phone?

This exercise is really simple, it requires you to list on a piece of paper everything you do, why you do it, and how much time you spend doing it weekly. Approximate and figure out where your time goes, where it is wasted and where you can do better.  

2. Write down a list of what you vow to leave behind and what you will take with you

The next step is easy, line out the things you would like to let go of doing. Dedicate how much time you want to spend on the tasks that remain and add things you have been meaning to do, like – read more, work out more or go for a walk.

“I am in the business of minding my own business” – Mavis Braga, 2020
With love
From one powerhouse to another
Love Mavis

Find me on Twitter – @mavisbraga