SOUL FOOD – Speaking heals!

Home Youth Corner SOUL FOOD – Speaking heals!

When you do not clean your house or bedroom, with time it becomes uncomfortable to be in or uninhabitable. If you do not reload your rubbish bin, it starts flowing, smelling and being a shelter to many other germs that can affect yourself and other people around you.

Similarly, when you have so many problems and you are just keeping them inside. Obviously you start having a lot of negative emotions which are very much just like rubbish. In this case you are the dirty house or rubbish bin that none is cleaning. You start feeling exhausted and feeling down quite a lot and eventually it starts being visible. It starts affecting your day to day activities and your relationships with people around you.  When you are stressed or depressed, you tend to answer people in a rude manner and you keep to yourself most of the time. You start losing friends and pushing the people that love you away. At work or school, you start underperforming because your mind cannot be attention to the work assigned to you.

Just like the rubbish bin, you need to vent and reload you baggage from time to time. It can be to someone that you know personally, your teacher at school, a pastor at your church or a professional. There are places where you can go or call for free counseling such as Lifeline/ChildLine. Counsellors are always there, ready and willing to help, all you have to do is call 115. Most of the time we refuse to talk about our problems only for them to start weighing on us and affecting our lives in a serious way. Sometimes you do not need opinions or advice, you simply just need to talk and have someone listening to you. You feel so much better after. It is like you just cleaned your room or reloaded the rubbish bin.

One of the best things that happen after you have talked to someone is that you start to look at your problems from a new a direction. You feel like a load was taken off your shoulders, and you have new energy to take on the problem. So many people I have had conversations with have told me that after talking, they actually feel that they just needed to talk. It is not the problem that was affecting them so much, it is the emotions they kept in for a long time.  It does not help in any way to be rebellious and decline help when it is offered to you. You have a choice to save yourself from stress, from ruining your relationships with people that love and care for you and jeopardising you school or work performance. All you need to do is to talk to someone, just to vent and feel like a load was taken off your shoulders because the negative emotions need to gotten rid off before you become a dirty house that no one wants to enter, or in your case be next to.