SOUL FOOD – Everyone has a unique gift

Home Youth Corner SOUL FOOD – Everyone has a unique gift

We go through a lot of experiences in life;  good and bad ones. Some bad experiences leave us feeling worthless and incapable of achieving anything. Failing an examination or an interview is an example of some of the bad experiences that hit our self-esteem hard. While sometimes failure is attributed to lack of preparation, sometimes it also tells us that we must try it another way. Each one of us has a different and unique talent or gift. Every human being is a mine full of potential and abilities. Some are discovered, in some people these amazing talents go with them to their graves. Sometimes we have turned a blind eye to our talents because we want to be like some other people that we know, even if we are not really into what they do. Not all of us are meant to be scientists, academics, artists, athletes and so on. We are all blessed with different talents, which go hand in hand with our passions. Your sister might be a good singer but you cannot even sing in the shower to save your life. So if you really like accounting and have dreams of becoming an accountant, use your time to get ready for the road to becoming an accountant, instead of forcing to be in the school choir because it can make you popular. When we give up on our passions and try to imitate others, we are simply failing ourselves and wasting our energies.

Just stay true to yourself and do what you love. You are good at something (you know what it is), and it is up to you to make something great out of your talent.

Academically, we do not excel the same, some people go to tertiary institutions, some do not for different reasons. But if you did not make it even though you worked hard, it does not mean you are useless. You can take time to explore your potentials and come up with a project that will help you live your best life and also help others. Nobody was born perfect, and for you to be in a happy place in your life, you have to evolve. Explore in order to see what works for you and what does not. It is the mistakes that you make that lead you to know what you really want to do with your life. If you are really passionate about something, you will not quit when you fail, you will try it another way. After he invented the light bulb, Thomas Edison said, ” I did not fail a thousand times, I just found a thousand ways how not to make a light bulb”. Many young people need to adopt the same mentality as Thomas Edison. When everyone else tells you that you are wasting your time by following your passion, just keep going (you  might  just invent something that change the human life for the better;  like Thomas Edison ‘s light bulb).

Whether you are imitating someone or following your dreams, it is not going to be easy.  You will hit hard rocks on your way that will make you think of quitting. If you are really passionate about what you are doing, quitting will not be one of your options. American rappet Jay Z in his “Oprah ‘s master class ” taught us to learn from failure and to avoid being successful as someone else. We each run our own races, if you fail it is in your hands to either make it right or die a failure. So use that unique gift and be successful on your own terms.