
Speaker moots motion on Cuba

Home National Speaker moots motion on Cuba
Speaker moots motion on Cuba

 George Sanzila

Speaker of the National Assembly Prof. Peter Katjavivi has proposed the tabling of a motion on Cuba in the Namibian parliament. 

Katjavivi made the proposal yesterday when he met the newly accredited Cuba ambassador to Namibia, Sergio Vigoa de la Uz after he praised Namibia for its continued support of efforts to call for the lifting of the United States embargo against Cuba.

According to ambassador de la Uz, the protracted embargo has adversely affected Cuba’s economy, resulting in the constant shortage of food and other essentials, such as oil. 

“We are always grateful for the Namibian support to lift the blockade. As you might be aware, Cuba has been put on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism – and this is putting pressure on the economy and the country. There are food shortages, including essential goods, such as oil. Tourism is also affected,” said the ambassador.

Katjavivi noted that Cuba deserved special attention from Namibia, given the two countries’ long-standing diplomatic relations. 

“Cuba is a special case to us. The people of Cuba deserve our full support, and we will make sure that when we resume in September, we start working on a motion on Cuba,” promised Katjavivi.

The embargo against Cuba, which is restricting the flow of goods to the Caribean island nation, has been in place for nearly 60 years. 

Cuba and Namibia’s relations date back to the time of the Namibian liberation struggle when Cuba offered political, military and diplomatic support to Swapo.

Cooperation between the two countries has continued post-independence, with Cuba assisting Namibia with Cuban professionals in various fields. 

Cuba has also trained many Namibians as doctors and in other professions.