‘Spin Doctor’ Accelerates Spinning To amazing new heights

Home Front Page News ‘Spin Doctor’ Accelerates Spinning To amazing new heights

By Donna Collins


SPIN ‘Doctor’ Peter Opali brought an estimated 7 000 people together at Windhoek’s Spin City arena on Saturday, in what has been ranked as one of the biggest motorsport gatherings in Namibia of all time.

And as the main organiser of this first time King of Spin event, Peter has accelerated Spinning in this country to an exciting new level. Working hard to make this long overdue show happen after an overwhelming public demand, he put it together on a shoe string budget out of his own pocket.

With no sponsor, and just the drive to succeed through his own personal passion for Spinning he is overwhelmed by Saturday’s success, saying that the turnout was beyond his wildest expectations.

Woema caught up with Peter this week once the dust had settled from the much talked about Saturday’s King of Spin, and found out that this young man is hoping to bring Spinning to a place it deserves in Namibia.

He says he plans to hold a second event this year, hopefully in July to coincide with his 26th birthday celebrations,  and would like to ultimately like to see this becoming an annual feature, with more participants taking part.

Mentioning that 90% of Spinning vehicles on the circuit are BMW’s, he said that all the competitors which took part in Saturday’s show, are experienced Spinners. He claims that is becoming one of the fastest growing types of motorsport in Namibia which has a huge fan base.

“Spinning is what the people want to see, as it is high voltage and pumped full of excitement.

“I would obviously welcome a sponsor for my next upcoming event, as you can imagine what sort of mileage a tyre company could benefit from putting their name to such an event – considering we all go through a considerable amount of tyres at a single show.

“I am also going to be talking to the guys at the Windhoek Motor Club, with the possibility of holding the next big event at the Tony Rust Track, where the facilities are spectator friendly – and it’s the place to be for the Spinning.

“Spinning is a form of entertainment that everyone wants to see, and it has caught on like wild fire in Namibia, so let’s hope that if all goes according to plan, the next event will be packed out like never before.”

With an interest in motor cars that spans all his life and three years Spinning experience  driving a BMW E30 with a name ‘Most Wanted’ – . you better believe it that Peter is going places, and is half way to turning Spinning into the most popular  motorsport  in the country.