
SPYL picks candidates for the pot …demands seat at decision-making table

SPYL picks candidates for the pot …demands seat at decision-making table

The Swapo Party Youth League has elected six candidates to send to the electoral college, known as the pot, which will be held in September. 

The pot is one of the biggest events on the Swapo political calendar, where members from various regions are elected to fill 96 seats on the party’s National Assembly list.

Kristofina Nakanduungile, Sam Nujoma, Albertina Ngavirue, Ndjizera Ndjizera, Meryam Nghidipo and Anselm Marungu will join other members from the party’s wings to contest for seats in parliament.

Speaking to New Era, the youth league’s spokesperson Moses Shikerete said the candidates have gone through the necessary leadership structures, and possess the qualities needed to contribute meaningfully at the national level.

He confidently said if elected to the National Assembly, the candidates have what it takes to push for the emancipation of the people, and ensure that young people’s agenda is represented. 

“The notion of young people being apolitical is seemingly becoming a thing of the past, as their voices in political matters are becoming too loud to ignore,” he said. 

From ministers and governors to members of parliament, Namibia’s young people are demanding a seat at the political table.

This was affirmed by Shikerete, who stated that the inclusion of young people is taking centre-stage in party discussions.

“If you look at the 2022 congress, you can see that there is a good reflection of youth who have made it to the central committee of the party, and we have no doubt that the seniors will be able to consider the youth,” he remarked. 

He added that no discussion will be meaningful unless young people are involved.

He expressed confidence that the leadership also has faith in young people.

Sharing similar sentiments, youth league’ secretary Ephraim Nekongo during the central committee meeting over the weekend urged older members of the party not to feel threatened by young people, but to rather consider them.

“Over the years, we have spoken about 40% representation – and if you, elders, feel that 40% is too much, please, we are just saying that in the future, maybe we move in that direction because that is where the future is heading,” he stated.

No division

While addressing an avalanche of issues of young people, Nekongo also took the opportunity to denounce those he claimed were attempting to sow seeds of division within the youth league.

He said certain individuals were trying to create a narrative that the youth league is divided, or attempting to cause division among them so that they do not “deliver”. 

“Unfortunately, that seed will not grow,” he stated.

He then chanted, with the crowd following, “Down with the division seed, down!”

In the same vein, he also delved into the processes used for the nomination of candidates from the pot to how they are elected.

New Era recently reported that information minister Emma Theofelus was among those nominated. 

However, sources within the youth league revealed that she was later removed from the list after the committee added two individuals who were not initially nominated. This was not taken lightly by some members, who felt it was unfair.

Nekongo dismissed these claims, stating that processes were done through the party’s constitution, without adding or removing anything. “Let us look at the bigger picture, which is to deliver Swapo’s victory. I also want to make it clear that Swapo is the only party with principles. The reason you are focusing on fabricating lies is because you know we are the only party that can take care of this country,” he charged.

He said those who did not make it should not warrant news – “it’s normal”.

Expel them

In his speech, Nekongo also criticised five Swapo members who took the party to court for failing to hold an extraordinary congress within 90 days after the death of late president Hage Geingob in February. 

The group believes the party has contravened its constitution.

In its defence, the party claims that the constitution states the party should “call for” an extraordinary congress within three months – not “hold” one.

The article in question states: “In the event the president is unable to permanently perform his or her duties or carry out his or her functions for whatever reason, an extraordinary congress shall be called by the central committee within three months of the vacancy occurring to elect a new president, unless such vacancy occurs six months prior to the ordinary congress. In such an event, the vice president shall exercise all the powers, duties and functions of the president pending the election of the president at the ordinary congress”.

Nekongo confidently said the party would defeat the challenge. 

He added that after the court proceedings, the members should be expelled from the party.

The Windhoek High Court on Friday ordered Swapo and its presidential candidate Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah to file answering affidavits in response to the application by party members. 

They must respond on or before 30 August 2024, the court ordered.
