
SPYL wants improved access to funds

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SPYL wants improved access to funds

RUNDU – SPYL spokesperson Moses Shikerete has said SPYL is aware of challenges faced by the youths and is calling on the Swapo-led government to establish a National Youth Fund to strengthen and increase access to funding for youth developmental, innovation and entrepreneurial activities.

Shikerete was speaking during a press conference on Saturday at Rundu.

“We have called this press conference to take the youth of Namibia into confidence that we are taking the challenges they are facing seriously, and we are treating it with the sensitivity it deserves, particularly youth unemployment,’’ said Shikerete.

He stated SPYL remain committed and determined to best represent the generation that makes up close to 60% of the country’s population.

Shikerete noted the SPYL has trust and confidence in the experience, capability, skills and will of the youth of Namibia to be active role players in the affairs of their country.

“Especially the means of production – and we believe that as we continue to unlock the full potential of Namibia under the capable and stable leadership of Swapo, we will continue to create a conducive environment for our citizens to flourish – young people in particular,’’ he said on Saturday. 

As a youth wing, Shikerete stated they have extensively deliberated at the highest level on the most urgent and challenging issues faced by young people.

Towards the end of last year, the Swapo held its seventh congress, the highest decision-making body of the party. 

“After thorough deliberations and considerations, Swapo collectively resolved and directed the government to develop and implement a socio-economic programme for the empowerment of youth groups,’’ he noted.

“This included unemployed single mothers, drug and alcohol addicts, students from vulnerable backgrounds, pregnant youth and single parents, among others, in different communities,’’ he said.

Shikerete indicated that among the resolutions taken was for the government to establish a National Youth Fund, to strengthen and increase access to funding for youth developmental innovation and entrepreneurial activities as well as to identify, develop and implement youth empowerment projects or initiatives in all sectors of the economy. 

“Also, to mobilise support, including financial, towards the development of all sports codes and arts, and encourage institutionalisation of same in different sectors as well as to accelerate the development of the National Internship Policy to facilitate students’ access to work integrated learning (WIL) – as well as to support apprenticeship programmes that allow for on-the-job training and skills development, amongst others,’’ he said.

Shikerete said the party is aware of the challenges of the young people and cognizant of the urgency to make tangible progress on the implementation and execution of these resolutions and their fast-tracking. 

SPYL will take government to task to make sure these pro-youth policies and resolutions are realised and implemented with no further delay.

“Youth unemployment has become a critical problem in our country, the issue of youth unemployment is not new, and it is receiving our utmost attention,’’ he noted. 

“The SPYL, therefore, renews its undertaking to continue engaging government and its leader, Hage Geingob, to see to it that our young people are prioritised and the ground is fertile for their flourishment.

“We would also like to assure the young people that we are in solidarity with them, and the SPYL is not going to tolerate anyone who seeks to derail the progress and economic emancipation of young people,’’ Shikerete noted.

– jmuyamba@nepc.com.na