St Barnabas needs assembly hall

Home National St Barnabas needs assembly hall

WINDHOEK – The management of St.Barnabas Primary School made an impassioned appeal to good Samaritans to assist the school with funds to enable it to construct its own hall where learners could assemble for school activities.

Learners at the school have for years been assembling out in the open, exposing them to the wind and the sun.
‘’Its difficult not to have a hall as the sun keep burning us. If we can have a hall it be having a roof over our heads, it will be good and we can have our events like the Readathon in a place where we won’t have to worry about the sun or rain,’’ said Memory Mungunda the head girl of St.Barnabas Primary School.
“Having a hall will be more relaxing and comfortable and we know that we are safe from any weather that might come,’’ said Richman Kariko the head boy of St.Barnabas Primary School.
The school has embarked on a campaign appealing to the corporate world to assist it with an assembly hall.
A recent Readathon event to inculcate a culture of reading among learners was held out in the open at the school and learners were exposed to the wind and the sun.
St. Barnabas Primary School is an old school that was built during the colonial era some 55 years ago and it is also in need of a new classroom for grade two learners who currently use a garage where the school’s vehicle is parked at night, while grade seven learners use the school’s library as a classroom.
“The contribution will help greatly, every activity we will have will be done in the hall, and we can also rent out the hall to the community and generate more money for the school to use’’ said Bones Karjivewa, the school’s principal.
For now the school has requested parents to contribute bricks so that it could build the hall before the rains.
As part of its fund-raising activities the school also wants parents to attend its braais and a photo day as a means of fundraising.
The minimum the school needs to build and maintain the hall is N$500 000 but the school says it will also accept bricks and other building materials so that it could fulfill its dream.