
Staff games funding sparks clash

Home International Staff games funding sparks clash
Staff games funding sparks clash

WALVIS BAY – A battle of priorities has ignited as the Walvis Bay municipal council is faced with the decision to allocate a hefty N$400 000 for the participation of 68 employees and two councillors in the annual Southern African Inter Municipal games slated for Botswana next month.

This annual extravaganza, hosted in different corners of the SADC region, has become a hotbed of controversy as some councillors argue that this allocation is reckless expenditure that is rather needs to rejuvenate the town’s crumbling sports facilities.

Saimsa represents municipalities in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and holds its annual games in different SADC regions each year. Walvis Bay is expected to send 68 employees for a 10-day participation in the games. 

However, no final decision has been reached as the item has only been discussed by the management committee. New Era also understands that this item is on the agenda for this month’s council meeting, expected to be held before the end of this month. 

Councillor Ryan Gordon yesterday expressed concern over the matter, saying that he cannot support the allocation while some sporting fields remain in a poor condition. 

“Earlier this year, employees participated in similar games in Swakopmund, and given our current financial status, I don’t believe it’s wise for us to engage in another costly exercise,” he explained. 

He then pointed out that the status of sporting facilities has resulted in the soccer and rugby teams from Walvis commuting to Swakopmund to practice and play their games at the town’s well maintained facilities.

“I am not supposed to even speak on the issue as it still needs to be discussed by all councillors but overall, I feel that N$400 000 is too much to spend when we could allocate that money to a different cause.”

According to Gordon, he will not support the request if it’s tabled during the council meeting. 

Sharing the same sentiments, councillor Shozi Ndota said while he doesn’t oppose the staff’s participation in the games, the council’s current financial situation doesn’t permit spending on such events. 

“We are still not out of the financial woods, especially after Covid-19. In the last council meeting, we voted against councillors going on a trip to France for a twinning agreement. Furthermore, we recently decided on a zero salary increment for employees due to our financial situation. Considering this, we can’t spend money that we don’t have. However, let the matter be brought to the council for debate.”

He also expressed his concern on how council matters are leaked to public before it even reaches the councillors, adding that better mechanisms should be put in place to avoid this.

We should not discuss these matters in public before council deliberates. Doing so could create tension among employees and councillors, he said.

The chairperson of the town’s management committee, Richard Hoaeb yesterday is in full support of the sport participation. He pointed out that the matter was highly confidential and should not have been made public before council deliberated on it.

“It is very unprofessional that we have to comment on an issue that still needed to be discussed. However, these games have been taking place over the years and are needed to boost staff morale,” Hoaeb explained.

According to him, the staff members are also contributing towards their expenses through their social club contributions and the council’s contributions only supplement theirs. He added that council’s contribution is primarily for expenses related to transportation and accommodation as the employees are representing Walvis Bay. 

“I don’t see how this is a problem, as there has been money budgeted for recreational purposes of the employees. This intended money has no bearing on road rehabilitation or park and sports facility improvements.  Municipalities across the country are participating in the games. Our employees have been participating during Swapo’s tenure; why is it suddenly an issue?  This issue is being politicised to such an extent that it will affect staff morale,” Hoaeb said.

– edeklerk@nepc.com.na