
Stand a chance to share stage with Rozay

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Stand a chance to share stage with Rozay

Emilie Shimbali


Olive Entertainment Academy is looking to fund a talented Namibian performer to share the stage with renowned American rapper Rick Ross in Zimbabwe this November. 

Making the announcement last week, the founder of the academy Julia Kadhikwa, also known as ‘Boss Lady’, said: “It’s not just a matter of exposure; we want our local artists to go out and experience, connect and see how others are doing it on the other side of the road”. 

As an international PR practitioner, Kadhikwa said she appreciates the privilege to meet famous creatives from various corners of the world, and from interactions with them, she realised that some Namibian artists can afford to take themselves to Dubai, for instance, but they just don’t have access to the right stages to talk real business about their careers. 

The opportunity to share a stage with Rick Ross is not only for established artists; any talented performer who will represent Namibia well on stage stands a chance. 

“This is not about those with the biggest songs or the most popular artists – although they can be selected too – but what matters is the stage appearance,” she said.

Kadhikwa explained that this initiative seeks to revive the local music industry, which has been strangled by the ongoing pandemic, and which saw creatives in crisis; some became depressed and financially drained. 

“Little attention has been devoted to the opportunities that exist to build back a social and local response to the live music industry. Musicians suffered more problems and cannot be ignored. Gatherings were abolished and venues were closed,” she said.

Kadhikwa thus wants to provide exposure to Namibian artists on international platforms like the concert by multi-Grammy award winner Rick Ross, set for the Harare International Conference Centre on 18 November 2022, and the One Africa Fest set for Dubai on 10 December. 

Interested artists should follow the academy on Instagram (@Olive_ent_academy) or call 0813190350 for all instructions and procedures.

In the meantime, the unstoppable Kadhikwa is also bringing to life a ‘High School Musical Battle’ in November, with the top reward of N$50 000 for the winner. 

More information will be communicated in due course, which includes requirements, training schedules, and venue.

– emilienashea9@gmail.com