
Standard Bank searches for next Women of Excellence

Home Business Standard Bank searches for next Women of Excellence


Standard Bank Namibia has reminded all Namibian citizens to nominate outstanding women from their respective communities for the 2016 Women of Excellence awards.

The bank, in collaboration with the Miss Namibia Pageant, is searching for excellent women from women-run charity organisations. Nominees are placed in one of two categories, namely one for women who have contributed greatly to the less privileged and the second for women who have shown “a spirit of generosity and kindness”.

“Standard Bank’s main involvement with the Miss Namibia Pageant revolves around its sponsorship of the Namibian Women of Excellence initiative,” explained Sigrid Tjijorokisa, Group Company Secretary and Head of Corporate Social Investment (CSI) projects at Standard Bank.

“Standard Bank supports the development, empowerment and recognition of women in all sectors of society. By contributing financially towards the Namibian Women of Excellence project through the Miss Namibia Pageant, Standard Bank is in support of raising awareness towards the important role women play in our Namibian communities,” said Tjijorokisa.

Standard Bank launched its fifth search for the Standard Bank Namibia Women of Excellence awards during the crowning event last year. The winners will be announced during the pageant on August 9.

Women of Excellence entry/nomination forms can be collected at the Standard Bank Head Office in the Town Square Centre, Windhoek on the 4th floor, Marketing Department, or from all Standard Bank branches countrywide. The entry forms can also be downloaded from the Miss Namibia website. Standard Bank Namibia is one of the gold sponsors of the Miss Namibia Pageant.