State needs 50 percent stake in mines – NUNW

Home National State needs 50 percent stake in mines – NUNW

Image: NUNW secretary general Job Muniaro


The National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW) which is the largest workers’ federation in the country wants the government to own 50 percent shares in all mines in the country.

At a press conference yesterday the NUNW secretary general Job Muniaro said that by owning 50 percent of shares in the mines the government would be able to improve the income and livelihood of all Namibians.
According to him the country’s minerals are taken away by foreigners without them giving back to the country.

“Let’s one day buy our diamonds from Namibia Swiss and not from American Swiss. Let us fight for value addition to our goods and minerals,” Muniaro urged.

Muniaro says currently the country is confronted by a shortage of money to pay its people and maintain the economy, therefore he believes that by the government owning 50 percent of shares in all mines the burden will be eased.
Meanwhile, the head of securities at Simonis Storm Securities, Purvance Heuer, said such large shareholding by government may scare away foreign investors from investing in Namibia.

“Government should consider investing in mines at a level that they can afford and that would offer a viable investment opportunity to foreign investors,” he said.

Furthermore, Muniaro called on all Namibians to stand up and condemn the “auctioning of the Etosha Pan”.
“Some people are busy to passively sell this big game park belonging to Namibians – please, this process must stop immediately,” he said.

He called on Namibian workers at all parks and lodges countrywide to guard against such deals that according to him will deprive Namibians of their own country’s recreational facilities.

“Park prices (entrance and lodge fees) are already high and only the rich can visit and see the beauty of our country,” he said. The unionist also touched on the issue of early retirement saying that the federation and all of its affiliates are against the government’s early retirement plans.

“Government wants to ease the wage bill by getting the young people out of their jobs and save the elders in politics that are above 50-55 who will support their ideas and plans,” he said.

He called on government to consult all stakeholders who will be affected.
Muniaro said sending the 50-year-olds on retirement is like sending all experienced people home.

Additionally, Muniaro also complained about the planned solidarity tax by government saying that workers have not been properly consulted on the planned tax.

“Government has not considered workers as key stakeholders and has not seen the need to consult workers who at this stage are the ones to pay the tax,” said the unionist.