
Status of Tsintsabis delays development

Home International Status of Tsintsabis delays development


There is sentiment that Tsintsabis settlement in Guinas Constituency in Oshikoto Region is being deprived of capital projects that could accelerate development, which would improve the livelihood of some 8 000 people.

Tsintsabis is losing out on development due to the fact the settlement has not yet been proclaimed a township and remains under the custodianship of the Ministry of Land Reform. Tsintsabis is situated on farm no. 8801 some 60 kilometres east of Tsumeb.

The situation has thus over the years disadvantaged community members who have been yearning for development in the area, with several investors having shown interest to develop the area and set up businesses. These were some of the observations of the constituency councillor Betty Kaula yesterday during the review of the governor’s Regional Outreach Programme.

The programme was undertaken by Oshikoto Governor Henock Kankoshi earlier this year when he visited all 11 constituencies to familiarize himself and accord the community a chance to voice their concerns, suggestions, criticisms and aspirations.

“There are a number of investors who are willing to bring development to the area and have been always approaching me to accord them the opportunity to start up a project, but I am unable because I don’t have the power to do so since the settlement is still under the Ministry of Land Reform,” Kaula informed other councillors, while citing the reasons for the settlement lagging behind in terms of development.

She admitted the settlement is one of the areas which should be developing at a fast rate.
Meanwhile, the Councillor for Tsumeb Constituency Lebbius Tobias advised his counterpart it was her duty to overstep the red line and take up the matter with higher office or the line ministry when there is a need for a developmental project, irrespective of whether the portion of land is still under the land reform ministry.

“Development should not stop, it should continue and this is the time when development should be at the core and forefront – we are no more in the past when people lived farm lives, it’s time for us to move on,” Tobias  reaffirmed his stance.

Ironically Kaula has been operating without an office since last year and is waiting for the constituency office to be built once the regional council approves the plan, although the land has already been availed.

The councillor was referred to follow the same procedures undertaken to acquire the piece of land on where the office is to be built as it will be situated at the settlement farm which is still under the mandate of the Ministry of Land Reform.