
Stay in your lane – Shaningwa 

Home National Stay in your lane – Shaningwa 
Stay in your lane – Shaningwa 

Efraim Ranjeni

Swapo secretary general Sophia Shaningwa told naysayers and independent candidates who seek to stand for the position of councillor of the Moses //Garoëb constituency to leave Swapo songs alone.

Speaking at the party’s rally on Saturday afternoon in Hakahana, she said those who are doing so are confusing the nation.

“I have learned that there are independent candidates who wish to stand. They are not under our flag or have Swapo endorsement, and they are using our songs. Please, we are asking you to drop our songs as we only have one candidate, who is Stefanus Ndengu,”  Shaningwa emphasised.

The by-election in the Moses
//Garoëb constituency is scheduled to take place on 6 January 2023. It was necessitated following the death of councillor Aili Venonya on 9 October this year.

The SG noted that it’s a democratic practice in Namibia to stand as an independent candidate, for as long as there is no political disturbance and no intimidation.

“If you feel you were misled and not convinced why you left Swapo and you want to make a U-turn and join Swapo, please come and join us. We need you. It’s boring and cold out there,” said Shaningwa.

“But if you want to stand as an independent candidate, just stand firm and stay in your lane. Do not confuse people that you are Swapo when you are not.”

Shaningwa reminded Ndengu that vying for the position of councillor is not to sit in an air-conditioned office, but to carry out the patriotic duty to serve the people.

“I want to bless you as you are going to sit in that office, to listen to your people, to have an open-door policy, and ignore nobody. I want you [Ndengu] to be a servant of your people. When you say yes you want to stand as a politician, it is not a comfort zone. It is highly ethical work that you have to go and do for your people on behalf of the Swapo party as an

She added that the constituency has a vast number of citizens who hold decisive voting power for the party. Therefore, the Swapo councillor must serve his people with diligence, and should not get tempted to become a ‘boss’.

Shaningwa also called on finance minister Iipumbu Shiimi, who was present at the rally, to make financial resources available to service the most important projects such as water, roads, clinics and other infrastructure around the constituency.

“Minister, we are not asking for a lot of money. We understand the economic downturn of our country and that of the world. We are just asking for the low-hanging fruits to finance the most needed projects of our people here in Moses //Garoëb,” she said.

Speaking at the same event, the Swapo-affiliated Mineworkers Union of Namibia deputy secretary general Paulus Situmba called on all those who left Swapo to come back home.

His remarks follow the recent resignation of one of their cadres – Immanuel Sheefeni – who subsequently revoked his resignation, making a U-turn to rejoin Swapo.

“Now that we are here to support one of our own, comrade Ndengu, I would like to make a call to all those who left the organisation to come back to the party.

But before that, I wish to make this clear, there is a perception out there that Swapo is corrupt. Swapo is not corrupt. People in Swapo come and go, and the organisation remains. Those who are corrupt are individuals.  If they are corrupt, they will be dealt with,” said Situmba.

Meanwhile, Shaningwa used the platform to thank those who voted for her re-election as Swapo’s secretary general at the party’s recent seventh congress held in November.

“I am very thankful that some of you present here re-elected me for the position of secretary general, together with other comrades, and coming to Moses //Garoëb is not just for Ndengu, but also to demonstrate to you that we did not just want you when we were canvassing for votes, but also to continue serving you,” she said.

– efraimnanjeni@gmail.com