
‘Still Small Voice’ and ‘The Plan’ now available

Home Positive Vibes ‘Still Small Voice’ and ‘The Plan’ now available
‘Still Small Voice’ and ‘The Plan’ now available

Julina Kaakunga


Children’s book author Taati Niilenge is back with two new offerings, ‘Still Small Voice’ and ‘The Plan’, which come with a shifted angle of spirituality since she identifies herself as a born-again Christian.

Her first two books – ‘Pewa’s Ocean Adventure’ and ‘Pewa’s Namibian Safari’ were published last year.

‘Still Small Voice; focuses on understanding the storms through life and how to overcome them; guidelines for those who want to accept Christ as their saviour. 

Niilenge told VIBEZ! the book also aims to guide readers on how to overcome bullying from non-believers after becoming born-again, warning Christians against judging others, leading people patiently to Christ, as well as finding forgiveness and peace.

During the past few years, Niilenge said she noticed the depression people were experiencing as most of them lost loved ones amidst Covid-19, and the engulfing uncertainty of what would happen next. 

“I noticed that most Christians are asking the question of why bad things are happening to them, even though they serve a God who promised to take care of them. I started getting dreams and visions about encouraging those who felt hopeless, and also started getting more revelations as I read my Bible about the plans that God has for everybody,” she continued.  

Niilenge did not plan to write another book, but after persuasion from her readers, she recalls being instructed by the Holy Spirit to share God’s plans for everyone. That is how the follow-up book  ‘The Plan’ came into existence. 

The author says the book reminds people about God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11, as it is filled with testimonies from friends, family and other individuals who faced challenges in life, and how they overcame them. “Readers will surely find hope and peace through this book,” she assured.

Niilenge noted that her love for writing has influenced her to become a journalist, as she writes for television, radio and newspapers. However, her passion lies in books. As a teenager, Niilenge had written short stories and poems, and kept them aside for family. When she was at university, she wrote short stories on women and children’s inequality for the Women’s Leadership Centre.

She has not launched any, but rather introduced them on social media, and people started ordering copies. “I was not really planning for a launch,” she stated. She was also stunned by her own work after re-reading it, and said the books were healing for herself. 

“I see life in a different light now,” she emphasised. 

She further said the author of her books is God, and she just typed them. “I was equally surprised when people started to share testimonies of how their perspective on life changed after reading the books, and how they decided to forgive themselves, God and others. They are now more at peace.”

Niilenge said writing to her comes naturally, as she just grabs a computer and starts typing any thought that comes to mind, and does not look up to other writers. 

Her advice for upcoming writers is to not underestimate themselves, and to write down any popping idea, no matter the time of day.

 “For those who want to write for the kingdom of God, be patient and listen attentively to what the Holy Spirit reveals. Writing about His word is not a joke. It can save or destroy people. Do not write your own words to receive the glory for yourself. It is not a popularity contest. It is an assignment. You are an ambassador of God, and you need to represent Him, and Him alone. God must receive all the glory,” she added. – julinak990@gmail.com