
Stop campaigning, Mumbala urged

Home Front Page News Stop campaigning, Mumbala urged

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-Swapo’s regional coordinator for //Kharas Matheus Mumbala has been told to hold his horses and wait for permission to start campaigning for re-election, after he told New Era this week that he would seek a new mandate to remain at the helm of the regional party hierarchy.

Benedick Louw, a member of Swapo’s //Kharas regional executive committee (REC), said by speaking to the media about his ambition to stand for re-election and listing his achievements thus far, Mumbala was breaking protocol by not waiting until the party opens the door for campaigns.

“It’s disheartening to note Comrade Mumbala conspicuously kicked off his campaign for the position of //Kharas Swapo Party regional coordinator, contrary to our recent REC resolutions. Resolution was to wait for finalisation of conferences of all structures subsequent to which at an extraordinary REC meeting nominations would be discussed,” he said.

“Comrade Mumbala did not only contravene traditional forms regarding initiation of campaigns and REC resolutions, but completely disregarded standing protocol as it relates to nomination and will of Swapo Party members on grassroot level, who not only aspire to stand for such leadership positions but who would want to nominate members of their choice to stand for such positions,” Louw, who serves as //Kharas SPYL secretary for information and mobilisation, further noted.

He lashed out at the idea of continuity, which some party members have apparently been trumpeting to keep their favourite candidates in power. “The narrative of ‘continuity’ in party political leadership must stop. Politics by its very nature is not static. It’s dynamic and thus open to change,” he observed.

He said the next round of regional elections presents an opportunity for the party to elect someone who can articulate the aspirations of the people as its next regional chief.

“The reason there’s a significant infiltration into the Swapo base youth cohort by opposition parties is because… contemporary issues, such as urban land, unemployment, and other issues are not adequately addressed. We need leadership that can vigorously advocate such sentiments to avert [the] trend of losing our most productive members to political infantile or one-night parties.”