
Street Kids Art Event

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Next Thursday the Namibia Craft Centre will be featuring street youths’ achievements in art through an exhibition sponsored by The Big Issue and First National Bank (FNB), it was announced in a press release. “Many of these artists are homeless or come from homes where they are abused or unwelcome. To fight for these youths’ rights, The Big Issue incorporates them into The Big Step programme, which attempts to set individuals back on a path toward a successful life,” said Jo Rogge. In collaboration with The Big Issue, FNB sponsors a monthly art competition where Big Issue vendors can submit a work of art to be judged for a cash prize. The magazine then prints the winner’s artwork in the following issue. “The exhibition will highlight the previous winners of the art competition, and more information on the artists’ backgrounds will be provided. In addition, FNB has sponsored the printing of twelve of the artworks as postcards. These cards will be revealed during the exhibition’s first night and will be available to the general public for sale around the Christmas season. The Big Issue has invited Mr. Raymond Castillo, the Director of American Cultural Affairs, to open and speak at the exhibition. “The American Embassy has generously donated money to The Big Issue’s street youth rehabilitation programme, which seeks to educate, care and provide support for those who have no one else to turn to,” Rogge said. The exhibition will be held in the Namibia Craft Centre on Thursday at 19h00.