
The struggle never ends

Home Columns The struggle never ends

There are times when you think you have got it all, that point where you feel everything is under control, but later just in a blink of an eye you realize it was just a bit of what you thought you had archived.

This is when you feel the intensity of the struggle as some people say “the struggle just got real” because what happened before was just a bridging stone.

Let me take you back then to the struggle in high school when you never had hope you would ever reach Grade 12, just that number “12” could freak you up, but however you managed to climb the ladder to the top and you said YES I have made it and I am sorted with life.

My friends this is where the struggle started – everyone thought obtaining a Grade 12 certificate would make someone have a nice job, get paid well and live in luxury but it wasn’t the case but a “bridging stone” to another stage of the struggle.

You will try applying for a job with that Grade 12 certificate but no fruits are yielded as not even a shop would employ you as they now require an advanced qualification. Then you decide to go to university or college to obtain a qualification and the struggle will start with the minimum requirement to be enrolled. Once enrolled the struggle becomes harder as university ain’t as easy as was perceived.

Okay! Now the university struggle is successfully completed and you square up to try to look for a job now because you have the highest qualification which the shop owner wanted, but only to realize that the shop has technologically improved and it needs sophisticated expertise, and at that stage you are told you need another qualification.

Now this scenario tells you why the struggle continues and never comes to an end – they say “easy come, easy go” meaning if you obtain something easily it means you lose it easily, and you will not be able to return to it because you never struggled to get it and you will thus not know how to return to it again.

Therefore never give up in any endeavours you pursue because you will achieve something along the way and will continue increasing your chances as you struggle through along the line and you might be lucky to get the job in the shop – “not only as a teller but a manager”.