
Swanu blasts OtjiHerero Service

Home National Swanu blasts OtjiHerero Service

WINDHOEK – Swanu president, Usutuaije Maamberua says his is very disappointed and frustrated by the Otjiherero language service of the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), specifically the morning programe ‘Keetute’. 

At a media conference at the party headquarters in Katutura yesterday, Maamberua described the behaviour of the Otjiherero language service of the NBC over the past few days, particularly on the above mentioned programme on the issue of voters registration as a matter of great concern to the party. “On Monday, a Swanu youth representative Muriua who is on a party mission in Otjinene was refused by a certain radio presenter to air information that was obtained from the ECN, that he wanted to share with the registering voters, just because he is a Swanu member,” Maamberua charged. The following day, which was Tuesday the same week the same radio presenter on the same programme allowed the Swapo Party Khomas Regional Coordinator to talk to the electorate about voter registration at length, which Swanu does not have a problem with.

“We think that all political parties should be invited or allowed to do the same on the same radio programme,” he said. According to him they have been struggling since Tuesday to secure a slot on the same programme with the same presenter who just made promises.

“[Thursday] morning it was promised that we are going to be on the programme, but it was left until the last two minutes of the programme, while the presenter purportedly attempted to get Swanu on the programme, while the Swapo Omaheke Regional Coordinator was allowed to make the same call again for ten minute,” said the MP.

“What a bias in favour of the ruling party,” he charged. He called on national institutions to treat the Swapo Party and Swanu the same since both parties went through the same difficulties, suffered together and shared various platforms together during the liberation struggle.

Asked whether the party has taken up the issue with the NBC management, he responded, “Yes we have complained several times without success, I have  also discussed this matter with Kazembire Zemburuka (Head of NBC Otjiherero) [Thursday] morning and invited  him to the press conference, but as you can see they are nowhere to be seen.”  Reached for comment yesterday Zemburuka denied the allegations and said there are rules and regulations that need to be followed and people have to understand that before they start making unsubstantiated allegations.

“Firstly and foremost we are the ones going out in search of news makers, especially for this specific programme not the other way round,” he said. Zemburuka says a certain caller called in on Monday from Otjinene and the rules were clearly detailed to him. He says prospective speakers on the programme must first be authorised by the station manager before they can go on air to express views and this includes politicians. Furthermore, Zemburuka urged political parties to discuss issues with the relevant authorities before they “run to the media” because in most cases it is just a misunderstanding rather than a problem.

“After all I don’t understand why he, Maamberua, is coming up with this allegation while last week Wednesday we gave his Secretary General Tangeni Iyambo 15 minutes talking time to discuss the election issue,” countered Zemburuka.


By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa