
Swanu claims to be third largest party

Home Archived Swanu claims to be third largest party

WINDHOEK – Swanu says it is officially now the third largest party in Namibia. “Reflecting back from the number of people that have joined Swanu regionally and nationally in the past two years, the statistics allow us to confidently say that Swanu has now taken up the third place in Namibia, in terms of biggest, largest [and with] most members,” says the first vice president of the party Asnath !Nuwuses. Swanu received 52 new members at Gobabis last week.

“I must say that in terms of our ideas, ideology and concerns for the broader masses, Swanu is in the number one position. Our ideas and ideology are unsurpassed and unrivalled,” !Nuwuses said. “I would like to announce that all our structures, systems and strategies in the Kavango West and East [regions] and in the four [northern] regions are being finalised in the next few weeks, thereafter we will launch and unveil them in an unprecedented manner. Within the next seven months from today, Swanu will be propelled into second place in the political arena of Namibia in terms of numbers, but still remain number one in terms of ideas.  We have to work together to sustain the momentum maintained by our leaders,” she said.

According to her the party has not remained in the liberation struggle trap, but has restructured and redefined itself to become relevant in a free Namibia. She further said this relevance is guided the vision of establishing a society based on solidarity between individuals and equal opportunity for all, as well as the mission to become the strong party of most Namibians with a common ideology and strength in striving to bringing about genuine economic liberation for all the people of Namibia and the core values that include caring, solidarity, comradeship, social justice, and sharing.

“I wish to encourage the youth, women and the poor to register to vote en masse next year. Keeping in mind that Swanu is the strongest alternative to the current status quo and it is ready, able and willing to offer its governance services for the benefit of the youth, women and the poor and all Namibians at large. !Nuwuses said Swanu is guided by the three ideological underpinnings of socialism, revolution and democracy in its quest to introduce responsible economic management and equitable resources distribution.

“These three ideological pillars are meant to assist in bringing about meaningful, fundamental, and effective transformation in the standard of living of the broader masses of our people, so as to guarantee the future of our coming generations. It is for these reasons we say: give the land and  wealth back to the people,” she said.

By Staff Reporter