Swanu urges members to register

Home Erongo Swanu urges members to register

OMARURU –  The South West Africa National Union (Swanu) president,  Usutuaije Maamberua, has  encouraged party members to  register for the upcoming elections.

Namibia will hold local and regional authority and presidential and National Assembly elections in November this year.

Speaking at Omaruru, Maamberua said Swanu supporters should register for all these elections if they want to see development in their respective towns.

He also urged members to assist and stand witness for  those who cannot provide municipal  and water bills to prove their residency so that they can vote in large numbers.

Maamberua was on a tour of the Erongo Region adressing political meetings in various towns that ended on Sunday at Otjimbingwe.

Apart from Omaruru and Otjimbingwe, Otjihorongo, Okhombahe and Omatjette  were also visited by the party leader during the four-day visit aimed at luring voters.

Addressing about 40 members at Omaruru,  Maamberua stressed the importance of  voting and the registration process saying that there is a need for all Namibians from all political affiliations to  take part in the upcoming elections.  “It important that you should vote for representatives that would further develop the country.  Therefore, exercise your right given by the constitution of Namibia to vote for the party of your choice. You can only vote if you are registered. Make sure that you visit the  registering points during the said time,” he said

Maamberua  then requested party members to consult with him on various issues and challenges they might face in their respective towns and settlements. Upon which  party members pointed out concerns  such as the ongoing rock mining at Otjihorongo and the fact that locals are not  economically benefiting from the mining practice.  They then urged Maamberua and party leaders to address the matter on why the extraction and value addition of these rocks are not given to local companies so that Namibians benefit directly.

They also urged their leader to address the fact that Chinese miners at Otjihorongo have damaged the gravel road between Omatjette and Omaruru, which poses a great danger for residents.  Unemployment and poverty among locals were also some of the issues highlighted by  Swanu members in Erongo.

Maamberua said he would approach the relevant authorities to look into the issues raised by members and if possible table them in parliament.


By Eveline de Klerk