
SWANU Wants Top Meeting

Home Archived SWANU Wants Top Meeting

SWANU wishes to sincerely and seriously associate itself with the recent calls made in Okahandja during the commemoration of late Chief Kahimemua Nguvauva and Nikodemus Kavikunua, by particularly traditional leaders and the Prime Minister: The national yet specific voice of The Right Honourable Prime Minister Nahas Angula, The weeping yet determined voice of Chief Kuaima Riruako, The silent yet heard and understood voice of Chief Munjuku Nguvauva 11, The soft yet emphatic voice of Chief Christian Eerike Zeraeua. All these voices have called for urgent unity amongst the Otjiherero-speaking people. SWANU of Namibia would want to associate itself with these voices since we realize that disunity has contributed to misery, poverty, retrogression and other problems within these communities. These people have many tasks ahead confronting their own communities and others within Namibia at large. For example, the genocide reparation demand is a case in point which cannot be meaningfully and successfully achieved without unity. We have no reason to doubt the genuineness of this clarion call of unity by these leaders, hence our exhorting them to urgently convene a high level meeting among themselves before the Okahandja dust settles. Therefore, in order to operationalize these concerns, SWANU of Namibia wishes to take a very innocent liberty to propose that the secretariats to the three Chief Councils (Ovambanderu Chief Council, Herero Chief Council and Joint Chief Council) be tasked to come together within the next two weeks to start with the preparation for the proposed high level meeting of these Chiefs represented in the highest organs of their respective councils. Given his broad knowledge of Ovaherero-Ovambanderu history and issues, we further dare to propose with humbleness Mr Jarimbovandu Kaputu to convene the three secretariats for the purposes of the proposed high level meeting preparation. Daring to unite and daring to win. Yours truly Uateza Kazapua (Secretary General) By order: Political Bureau of Swanu Central Commit- tee