
Swapo elders denounce ‘dirty’ campaign tactics

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Swapo elders denounce ‘dirty’ campaign tactics

With the Swapo succession battle in full swing, the party’s elders’ council has cautioned participants to adhere to the campaign rules.  

Incumbent Swapo vice president (VP) Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah will defend her position against Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila and environment minister Pohamba Shifeta. Candidates vying for the Swapo VP, secretary general (SG), and deputy SG positions have been descending on different regions to seek support. Oshikoto coordinator Armas Amukwiyu is challenging incumbent Sophia Shaningwa for the SG post, while Lucia Witbooi, Evelyn !Nawases-Taeyele, Uahekua Herunga and David Hamutenya are contesting for the deputy SG post. 

Swapo Party Elders’ Council secretary Mukwaita Shanyengana called on campaign managers to ensure the succession battle is conducted in a manner that promotes the unity of purpose and harmony.  He reminded the campaign managers, supporters and sympathisers that there are rules guiding
all aspiring candidates for the top four positions in the party. This, he said, will avoid the creation of groupings or divisions. 

“There are songs and words we only use when we compete against opposition political parties. This current campaign is an intra-party (campaign) between Swapo party members and comrades with the same constitution, political programme and ideology as well as the manifesto,” Shanyengana stressed. 

 In fact, he said, it is just a rotation of leadership, and whoever will win must be supported and followed by all Swapo members without favouring candidates defeated to form a group against the winner, as experienced in 2017. 

“In Swapo, we always say that we do not have an individual winner, but the Swapo party is the winner. The party is bigger than individuals. Candidates and their supporters are, therefore, advised to select the songs and words which do not promote disunity and hatred among candidates and the rank and file,” he warned.