
Swapo flexes muscle in Opuwo, Endola… ECN approves NNN’s candidature

Swapo flexes muscle in Opuwo, Endola… ECN approves NNN’s candidature

Loide Jason

Victoria Immanuel

OPUWO/ENDOLA – Blue, red and green filled the spaces at the Opuwo Open Market in the Kunene region on Saturday as Swapo hosted its star rally there.

Swapo presidential candidate Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah was the keynote speaker after she had addressed young people at the town the night before.

Meanwhile, at Endola in the Ohangwena region – some 250 km from where Nandi-Ndaitwah was addressing party loyalists – President Nangolo Mbumba assumed the responsibility to stand in for his comrade, who could not be at two different locations at the same time.

Both events drew large crowds.


In Kunene’s regional capital, where the official opposition in Parliament, the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) enjoys dominance, over 1 200 new members flocked to Swapo, puportedly from opposition parties. 

Eight hundred had already received their signed Swapo membership cards, according to the party.

The energy was palpable, with ululations, dancing and joy filling the air.

The rally was further entertained by performances from Ndilimani and Bullet ya Kaoko, and attended by people from all seven constituencies of the Kunene region.

Julius Kaujova, Swapo regional coordinator for Kunene, kicked off the events, comparing the political contest to a football match, and predicting a 1-0 victory for Swapo over its

His remarks were met with enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.


Swapo secretary general Sophia Shaningwa expressed joy at the number of new members who had joined the party in the Kunene region.

Family ties 

The 1 200 new Swapo supporters were members of opposition parties in the Ogongo village, who had decided to follow Vipuakuje Muharukua, who earlier this year dumped the PDM and joined Swapo.

Also forming part of the new Swapo members were Muharukua’s parents.

Shaningwa urged Swapo supporters to ensure that all votes are properly cast, and results thereof displayed at every polling station by the presiding officers.

“Each of you should use your cell phones to record the results, and report them to the designated office. We must avoid any errors when it comes to voting for our leaders who represent the Swapo Party,” she stated.

Shaningwa said while the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) will oversee the polling stations, Swapo will have its own observers closely monitoring processes.

“We will also have women involved in the counting process to ensure that (Netumbo) Nandi-Ndaitwah’s votes are not mixed up with those of any other candidate. What belongs to Netumbo must remain hers, and what belongs to the Swapo Party must stay with Swapo,” she said.

Shaningwa assured supporters that the party would provide all necessary resources, including transport, to keep them alert throughout the process.

“We will be there 24 hours a day, ensuring that our candidates and party emerge victorious,” she continued.


When the dust and noise had settled, Nandi-Ndaitwah, who also goes by the moniker ‘NNN’, took to the poduim to sell Swapo’s gospel to the electorate.

She said the government, through the party leadership, continues to make great strides in providing education, health services and overall development in Kunene.

The presidential candidate singled out improvements to water supply in the Epupa constituency, with the Okomaremba-Hamaremba-Okanguati pipeline having been completed, and the ongoing progress of the Ruacana South pipeline to supply water to Opuwo and Omakange.

Other successes of the party are improvements in roads infrastructure, the provision of quality education in 75 schools, as well as the launch of the Khorixas Vocational Training Centre.

On health issues, Nandi-Ndaitwah said rural communities have access to mobile health centres, and clinics are within walking distance for the people.

She then urged the region to ensure Swapo gets a renewed mandate for it to continue building and developing the region and country for all to have quality services.

“The Swapo Party is the only political party in Namibia that is capable of effectively governing this country, and we have demonstrated this over the past 34 years, amid the various socio-economic challenges and world disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic,” she said.


Nandi-Ndaitwah also underscored how the challenges of drought and unemployment are being tackled, alongside ambitious plans for youth empowerment and resources’ development.

For her, the region’s past is deeply intertwined with its future.

“Kunene is a region with great significance in the history of our armed liberation struggle,” she said, recalling the contributions of local heroes such as commander Danger Tjapuha and Johanna Kakuva.

However, the rally’s most critical focus was on the severe drought which continues to plague Kunene.

The former environment minister did not shy away from addressing the harsh realities of climate change, which have hit the region particularly hard. She described Kunene as “one of the regions most prone to climate change.”

“Many families are experiencing food shortages, while farmers are struggling to keep their farms afloat,” she said, referencing the dire situation faced by communities throughout Kunene. 

In response to these challenges, the Swapo-led government has implemented a range of relief efforts, she said.

“That is why President Nangolo Mbumba declared a State of Emergency on Drought, effective 22 May 2024,” she stated.

The Vice President elaborated on the government’s financial commitment to alleviate the drought crisis, saying N$825 million had been allocated to extend the drought relief programme for 2024/25.

Further addressing local concerns, she said the government was actively working on upgrading the Opuwo slaughterhouse into a full abattoir, which will help local farmers process their livestock during these difficult times.

“When I was here last year, your concern was on abortion. I commit the government to look into the matter,” she affirmed.

As the November 2024 elections approach, the politician called on the people of Kunene to stand by Swapo, promising that the party’s legacy of leadership will continue to deliver growth, stability and opportunity. 

“Under the Swapo Party and Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, whose loyalty, commitment and dedication are to the people of Namibia, you are assured of a better future,” she said, urging all registered voters to show their support (for Swapo) at the polls.


In Endola, Mbumba’s message was clear: “Swapo does not make empty promises.”

“Swapo has achieved remarkable successes, and yes, we do realise that there are problems. Problems are to be solved by people and parties that are properly-organised,” he added.

The President stressed that where others talk, Swapo delivers, and plans to continue doing so.

Furthermore, he said those who claim that Swapo has achieved nothing are being dishonest.

“Some people think it is important they are being followed, followed by who? You being followed; what have you done? And what are you planning to do? Ask yourself,” said Mbumba.

 He then warned the nation not to embarrass themselves by not voting for Swapo.

“Do not humiliate your country by handing power over to people who are untested and untried; SADC, the African Union, will be crying. We are a respected member of the United Nations,’’ Mbumba stated.

He added that no matter which tribe, ethnicity or race one comes from, under Swapo, they are all Namibians.

He observed that there cannot be peace, there cannot be development, if people are not united, and if they allow apartheid and tribalism to rear their ugly heads again. If that happens, then they are doomed.

“Swapo is the only party they know, the party that gave them freedom, stability, peace and opportunities to pursue,” he stated.

He also urged Namibians to vote for Nandi-Ndaitwah, saying she is the best leader and choice to continue the Swapo leadership’s legacy and improve their standards of living.

Meanwhile, Swapo deputy secretary general Uahekua Herunga confirmed that Nandi-Ndaitwah has been registered with the Electoral Commission of Namibia as the sole candidate for the Swapo Party for the presidential election, come 27 November.


Mbumba said Swapo will continue to review and address current government policies and practices that hamper the successful development of youth enterprises, as well as the development of the youth into productive citizens.

“If a government policy or practice is hampering our youth enterprises from succeeding, we must change or discard such policies or practices. The youth are the future, and the future belongs to our youth, so we will work hand-in-hand with our youth so that they can become successful,’’ he continued.

He said if the Swapo government is re-elected, it will allocate N$500 million annually to the National Youth Fund to empower the youth. Musician Erastus Shiimi, well-known as ‘Gazza,’ urged young people to be the change they want to see, and vote for Swapo.



Caption 1: Go vote… President Nangolo Mbumba has called on Swapo members, supporters and sympathisers to go out in large numbers and vote for the party, come 27 November.

Caption: Cruising… Swapo Party vice president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, secretary general Sophia Shaningwa, regional coordinator Julius Kaujova and former PDM member Vipuakuje Muharukua with some of the new Swapo members.

Photos: Loide Jason