
Swapo Members Dismayed and Disappointed

Home Archived Swapo Members Dismayed and Disappointed

This open letter refers to a story in New Era of January 25, 2007, on the front page headlined: “Hardap Infighting Over a Fair Deal”. We as the electorate and prominent members of Swapo Party are hereby obliged to air our dismay and disappointment with the comments made by Councillor Theo Diergaardt. As an experienced leader, as he claims to be, we expected from Hon. Diergaardt – since he is a Swapo Party Regional Council member – to table his grievances in the Regional Council meetings as all of them are on the “Swapo Party” tickets in the Hardap Regional Council, but he even bypassed the party structures and decided to run to the media, and by so doing he has created a platform for the opposition parties to lash back at Mighty Swapo Party. We as the prominent Swapo Party members hereby doubt that the “tested” leadership has applied to Councillor Diergaardt, as these are the principles of the party. Since the party is having structures to be followed and the party code of conduct is also applicable, we would therefore like Hardap Regional Council, under the chairmanship of Honourable Governor Katrina Himarwa, to take the lead and call Councillor Diergaardt to order, by revoking his membership of National Council before any further damage is done to the party. We then would like to leave the ball in the court of the Hardap Regional Coordinator of the Swapo Party, Comrade Nico Mugenga, to deal with the devious remarks made by Councillor Theo Diergaardt as prescribed by the Swapo Party Constitution. Long live the spirit of the dedicated Swapo Party leadership of the Hardap Regional Council. CDE. JARCINO BEUKES (Vice -Secretary of the Hardap Region Swapo Party Youth League) CDE. JEMS ROOINASIE (Former Rehoboth District Coordinator of the Swapo Party) Rehoboth