
Swapo SG launches women’s league constitution

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Swapo SG launches women’s league constitution

OMUTHIYA – Swapo Secretary General, Sophia Shaningwa, launched the Swapo Party Women’s Council (SPWC) constitution, which was adopted by the party’s Seventh Ordinary Congress last year, in Omuthiya yesterday.

Shaningwa said the party remains committed to the cause of women’s emancipation.

“Swapo has adopted 50/50 gender representation in all structures as enshrined in the Party’s Constitution and policy documents as this gives men and women an equal opportunity to serve in the ranks and structures of the party,” she said.

She said the party provided for the SPWC to adopt its own constitution governing its activities and administration, provided that such constitution or amendment receives the approval of the Congress of the Swapo Party before becoming operative.

Shaningwa said the women’s council aims to work towards the achievement of equality for women, full participation in the struggle for economic and cultural emancipation, and developing and deepening political understanding among Namibian women.

“I implore all of us to support and comply with the provisions of the SPWC constitution and subsequently that of the party so that we preserve our organisation, while at the same time addressing socio-economic challenges faced by our country,” she said.

– Nampa