
Swapo threats come from economic realities – Geingob

Home National Swapo threats come from economic realities – Geingob

WINDHOEK – President Hage Geingob said former liberation movements are faced with numerous challenges and that people who seek to preempt their downfall are intensifying their efforts through various tactics of destabilisation.

Geingob was speaking on the occasion of the first graduation ceremony of the Swapo Party School in Windhoek on Saturday afternoon.

Geingob, who is also the president of Swapo Party, said that under such a hostile atmosphere it is important that people propagate the party’s ideology in a coordinated and scholarly manner.

 Geingob further said that the threats to Swapo do not come from opposition parties but from economic realities as well as internal upheavals caused by the pursuit of personal interests. 

“These factors leave many of our cadres open to exploitation by external enemies who do not have the interests of our people at heart. For this reason, we fall victim of being accused of having lost touch with people. 

The increasing lack of jobs, especially amongst our youths, coupled with persistent income disparities has placed us at greater risk,” explained Geingob.

He added that over a period of six decades Swapo has successfully overcome many challenges but has always emerged stronger and more resilient. 

“There have been several distinct phases which frame the evolution of Swapo since inception. What is significant is that despite attuning itself to withstand the impact of various exogenous shocks, Swapo has remained true to its original character,” he maintained. 

He said in terms of dealing with socio-economic challenges, the Swapo-led government has declared a full-scale war against poverty, inequality and corruption. 

“We recognise that the only sustained growth will be shared and inclusive growth. Inclusive growth will translate into the creation of decent job opportunities for our citizens. If we are to survive in the 21st Century political landscape, we have to display the utmost resolve when it comes to addressing pertinent issues such as poverty, unemployment and land distribution,” he said. 

“As you prepare to follow your career paths, capacitated by your newfound knowledge from the Swapo Party School, I urge you to continue to subscribe to the Swapo ideology of social justice, equity and solidarity.”

“To those cadres who are soon to become proud graduates of the Swapo Party School, you are aware that we are currently faced with a myriad of challenges in the midst of a rapidly changing geo-political climate. The world many of us knew during the struggle has slowly faded away. It has been replaced by a new world, a new struggle, in which ideologies have shifted and morphed,” he added.

He said development must be people-centered since development that does not impact the lives of  people in a transformational manner is meaningless. 

“The onus is on you to assume the responsibility of the second phase of the struggle with the same vigour and determination as we did during the first phase of the struggle. Let us draw inspiration from the great icon of Pan-Africanism, Kwame Nkrumah, who said, ‘It is clear that we must find an African solution to our problems, and that this can only be found in African unity. Divided we are weak; united we are strong,’” he advised.