Swartbaster assists evicted Tura family

Home Lifestyle Swartbaster assists evicted Tura family

 Aletta Shikololo

Local musician, Ellen Jonathan, commonly known as Swartbaster, helped the Swartbooi family after hearing about their ordeal.
Swartbaster helped the family by storing their furniture at his home in Soweto, Katutura and getting them a temporary place to stay. 
According to Swartbaster, the family of seven has been living in the cold for close to four days until he came to their rescue.
 “I saw them as I was passing by from my house and I was feeling pity for them because it is wintertime. They did not have anywhere to go and their belongings were scattered all over the street,” he explained.
The good-hearted singer said what mostly broke his heart is when he heard that the evicted man’s son passed on the same day.
“He was already in pain and the eviction made the matter worse. So, I decided to store their belongings and contacted someone I know that stays in Freedom Square to house them for a time being,” said Swartbaster.
Relating the situation, Swartbaster said the condition of the family prompted his sympathy because the same things were done to him years back when he was staying with his uncle in Swakopmund.
“I was chased out in the cold and seeing the same thing done to other people broke my heart,” said the ‘Ding Dong’ hitmaker.
Swartbaster told Entertainment Now! the eviction of the Swartbooi’s is caused by conflicts between the family members.
He encouraged the nation to hold hands and help one another, especially during the current tough times.
“We are already fighting Covid-19 pandemic and poverty, we can’t afford to see more people suffering like this, let’s spread love and care for one another,” he further added. 
 The councillor for John Pandeni constituency, Rachel Jacobs condemned the inhumane action, saying, “That is the most despicable thing to do and it is not acceptable. Despite the government’s effort to collect homeless people in riverbeds, some are chasing their family members in the streets and it becomes the government’s responsibility again.”
She advises landlords to take up the matter with the constituency councillors before they evict people.
The evicted family is currently mourning the death of their son in Freedom Square while searching for another place to stay.