
Swartbooi: We’ll never stop fighting

Swartbooi: We’ll never stop fighting

KEETMANSHOOPLandless People’s Movement (LPM) leader and chief change campaigner Bernadus Swartbooi said their fight for restorative justice and dignity for Namibians will never stop.

The LPM firebrand is adamant that his orange brigade will continue fighting for access to employment opportunities, natural resources, health, quality education, proper regional and local governance as well as other challenges haunting Namibians, 34 years after independence.

He made these remarks during the belated Independence Day celebrations for the Keetmanshoop Urban constituency in the southern town over the weekend.

“Regional councils and local authorities are not supported enough by central government to change the living conditions of communities residing there, since the ruling government has transferred itself into an epicentre of corruption, nepotism and mismanagement,” he said.

He then drove his point home, saying: “We cannot vote after seeing proof more than 30 years how the country’s hopes and aspirations were privatised by the political leadership – that of Swapo in particular – who accorded themselves resources, enriching them in the process”.

He also bemoaned the fact that 48% of the Namibian population is facing food-insecurity. 

“It is now time, more so than ever, to listen to each other, apply our wisdom and stand up against this bitter unfairness prevailing in our country,” the politician said.

On the same day, //Kharas Regional Council chairperson Joseph Isaacks lamented the poor registration of voters in the region.

“It is expected from you, as responsible citizens, to go and register, as through this, you might qualify for jobs and training opportunities in the future,” he said.

He then advised government to consider providing livestock, animal vaccines, seeds and water to people living in poverty, instead of drought relief food.

“LPM will never support a proposal made during the recent delimitation meeting for
//Kharas to be split into two regions, as places like Lüderitz, Aussenkehr and Oranjemund, where most natural resources in our region are found, belong to the people of those areas.”

He also called on supporters to attend party meetings to update themselves with the latest developments.

“You should not only complain, but participate in the process of finding solutions for challenges we are facing, as people from other regions might come and claim everything in //Kharas,” he said. 
