
TAC for 2007 Remains Unchanged

Home Archived TAC for 2007 Remains Unchanged

By Petronella Sibeene


Fisheries and Marine Resources Ministry are to retain the previous Total Allowable Catches (TAC) for the current fishing season.

Following last year’s reduction in catches from 180 000 to 130 000 metric tons particularly for hake, indications are that the TAC will remain constant this year.

In an interview yesterday, the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Dr Abraham Iyambo, cited biological factors that could not allow for an increase in marine catches.

“The experience at the moment is a global phenomenon. We are just being cautious. We do not have to wait until the impact is big,” he said.

Whilst seen as a precautionary measure, role-players in the fishing industry –
especially those in L??????’??